Planned Giving
Take Care of Yourself and Ensure a Vibrant Future for Manito Park
There are many ways to give that won’t impact your financial resources today, but will have a significant impact on the future of Manito Park through the support of The Friends of Manito. You can make a gift directly to us, or through the Endowment Fund, while maintaining control and flexibility. Please remember us in your will and trusts.
What You Can Give
One of the most common ways to make a gift to TFM is to write a check, give a credit card number, or donate online.
Stocks & Bonds
Giving long-term appreciated stock is one of the most tax-advantaged ways to make charitable gifts. With careful planning, you can reduce your capital gains tax while supporting TFM.
Retirement Assets
A gift of your retirement assets, such as an employee retirement plan, IRA, or tax-sheltered annuity, is an excellent way to make a gift. A gift of these assets can shield your heirs from taxes while funding Manito Park’s future. For more on making a tax-free gift from your IRA, Click Here
Life Insurance
Life insurance is a valuable asset for making a charitable gift. It can be made without diminishing other investments or assets earmarked for family members.
Real Estate
A gift of real estate allows you to preserve your cash assets, receive tax and income advantages and make a significant charitable gift to TFM.
Giving Through Your Estate
A charitable gift from your estate is a favored method of giving that enables you to achieve your financial goals and benefit The Friends of Manito in ways that may not be possible through lifetime gifts. Giving through your estate plan can generate a charitable estate tax deduction and substantial tax savings. You may direct all or a portion of your estate to TFM.
No other planned gift is as simple to implement or as easy to change should you ever need the assets during your lifetime.
View our sample bequest language and beneficiary designation.
A bequest may be right for you if:
You would like to make a gift to The Friends of Manito, but want the flexibility to change your mind.
You want continued access to your gift assets, should you need them.
A tax deduction for your gift is not important to you in the short term.
Other Options
There are many planned giving options for you and your financial advisor to consider. Your choice will depend on your goal. Below is a simple outline that can show you the benefits of each planned giving option.
Your Goal → Your Gift
A gift that pays fixed annual payments → Charitable Gift Annuity
A trust that pays fixed annual payments → Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust
A trust that pays variable annual payments → Charitable Remainder Unitrust
A gift that reduces taxes upon your estate → Charitable Lead Trust
Give your home and continue to live there → Retained Life Estate
Give retirement assets to help avoid taxes → Retirement Plan Gift
A revocable gift upon your death → Bequest in Will
Use insurance assets to help avoid taxes → Life Insurance Gift
A gift that gives immediate benefits → Gift of Appreciated Property
The simplest gift is a gift of cash → Outright Gift
Avoid taxes on the sale of real estate → Real Estate Gift
For more information, please call Beth Lieurance at 509-456-8038